System Applications

TempWise IR

A powerful Infrared thermometer designed specifically for Goods In areas
Image showing example of TempWise IR

Your Goods In Companion:

Here’s why it’s a game-changer:

  1. Fast and Accurate Information:
    • Goods In processes are hectic. TempWise-IR ensures you get precise data swiftly.
    • Use the BluProbe IR with any Tablet or Smartphone to record temperatures and essential details directly to our servers.
  2. Go Paperless and Stay Compliant:
    • Say goodbye to paperwork clutter. TempWise-IR streamlines your Goods In area.
    • Compliance becomes effortless as all records are securely stored.
  3. Global Access to Reports:
    • Generate reports that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
    • Whether you’re on-site or remote, TempWise-IR keeps you informed.

Make Goods In smarter with TempWise IR