Temperature Mapping

Our WISE platform (Wireless Intelligent Sensor Environments) uses state-of-the-art temperature sensors validated to UKAS standards for accurate compliant measurement
Temperature Mapping

Temperature Mapping Services

At ADMWISE, we minimise intrusion with our advanced temperature mapping solutions. Utilizing state-of-the-art temperature sensors validated to UKAS standards, we install systems for extensive and ongoing testing without disruption. This is particularly crucial during seasonal temperature mapping validation.

Our high-quality remote monitoring system ensures your equipment operates efficiently and faultlessly from anywhere. Tailored to your specific needs, it provides cloud access, guaranteeing continuous performance in compliance with industry regulations such as MHRA and manufacturers’ standards.

We offer a comprehensive service covering the entire temperature mapping and validation process, from protocol creation to testing and reporting. Our professional temperature mapping service is ideal for laboratories, pharmaceutical, life sciences, logistics, warehouses, and temperature-controlled storage areas. We provide cost-effective, fast, and accurate temperature mapping results.

Our experienced team ensures compliance with MHRA guidelines. After analysis, we provide a clear and precise mapping report and a UKAS certificate for the mapping study. This insightful report offers evidence of the suitability for the storage of temperature-sensitive products, helping to demonstrate regulatory compliance.

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  • Validation Plan: Comprehensive validation plan to achieve Temperature mapping objectives
  • Installation Qualification (IQ): installation verified according to specifications.
  • Operational Qualification (OQ): Equipment pre-tested under operational conditions.
  • Performance Qualification (PQ): Confirm equipment performs consistently over time.
  • Risk Assessment: Conducted to identify potential issues.
  • Documentation: Keep thorough records of all validation activities.

Our comprehensive reports include:

  • A schematic or floor plan with sensor locations of the mapped area.
  • Minimum, maximum, and average temperatures for each sensor.
  • Temperature and humidity data by day with graphs.
  • Data presented in both tabular and graphical formats.
  • UKAS calibration certificates for each sensor used in the mapping study.
  • Sensor temperature data at 10-minute intervals, provided as a CSV file.
  • A detailed UKAS temperature mapping report.
  • Monitoring parameters and details of temperature and humidity sensors.
  • Data insights with recommendations.